Well if Big T thinks shes been good I think I have as well! Brian came and gave me a manicure as well and this time I had all four feet done - so my feet are looking gorgeous too! I did have a minor wobble, but I soon got over it and Thelma came and talked to me over the stable wall and told me to just be calm as it really wasn't as bad as all that - and, much as I hate to admit it, she was right (its not very often I say that!). I also thought I ought to behave properly as The Vickster was there this time and I really didn't want to show myself up! I agree with Thelma too that its a nice feeling having neat and tidy feet and despite the weather (rain, rain, rain) I'm really feeling quite perky in a nice way - I've been very, very good walking in and out, depite a few murmurings from the goose and having to walk right past one of the older horses who is grazing the walk through to our field at the moment. Now the first day she was there I wasn't too happy as she's very big and a little intimidating but I'm used to her now and know there's nothing to be scared of! Am I growing up??
I think so!
Love LouLou
I think so!
Love LouLou