Wednesday, 30 June 2010

On Show

Well we had our little parade - what a palaver. We came in from our field the night before so that we could have our beauty sleep. The Gaffer, The Mrs and The Vickter had us up early in the morning, did our stables and had us all buffed and polished all by ten o'clock - a bit early or what - we are used to a much more relaxed pace than that!

It was a gorgeous day and so I think we looked particularly lovely with our coats shining in the sunlight and we showed ourselves off in front of around thirty people - actually, I think that we both rather enjoyed being the centre of attention. It was quite funny as we were both so relaxed that in between being all ready and The Gaffer and The Vickster coming to get us from our stables to be paraded, we felt a bit tired and lay down for a quick kip - The Gaffer had to wake me up a bit sharpish and give me a rub down in order to get me out of the stable on cue. But we strutted our stuff and I think that people were rather complimetaty about us and liked what they saw. I heard someone say that I had a good shoulder and had presence, and that Lou was well proportioned - judging by The Gaffer's reactions these are all good things.

Since then it has all been rather dull - we have been turned out each night but have been in our day boxes quite a lot as it has been very hot.

We are waiting for the next parade - we could really get to like this!

Love Thelma - or should I now say Primacy which is my 'official' name!

Saturday, 12 June 2010

out all hours

Well we're there - where I hear you ask - out all day and night is the answer! Its rather nice having been in for so long to be out all the time, although it is rather tiring. Instead of just sleeping all night we do have to be more alert and we do get up rather early. We are brought in now and again. It was really hot the other day and so we came in to our day stables after breakfast and went out again in the evening when it had cooled off which was nice. And although it all sounds nice - its not all fun, as with the warmer weather the flies come out which is a bit of a pain. We have to keep our tails swishing all the time and poor Lou Lou even managed to pick up a tick the other day which I have to say was dealt with by the team really quickly.

The other day though we were due to come in for the night as it was rather stormy and we had to sleep in our day stables instead as the swallows which have been sharing our stalls with us have hatched thier young and three of the fledgelings were out of their nest and hopping around in our stables - so not a place for us with our big feet. They've gone now so last night we were back in as usual for the night just to make a change. Well there was one BIG change - a fantastic new gazebo thing has appeared in the yard. Its covering the table and chairs and is really very grand - I rather fancy a sit under it myself; it would be perfect in the field!

Love Thelma

Sunday, 6 June 2010

out and about

So we are finally allowed back out into the field now that Big T has had the 'all clear'. Even so we are only out for a few hours a day - it all started with 2 hours, and then each day we have had half an hour longer. Now The Gaffer says this is so that our tummies get used to eating the grass again, and so that we don't eat too much. Moi???? The only one who is going to eat too much is Big T (she's not called Big T for nothing!). But its just lovely to be able to run around and kick up my heels - the first two days I admit I was a teensy bit naughty as I didn't really want to come in - but when it looked like they were going to go in without me I decided that I had better co-operate. The weather has been gorgeous too - lovely and warm. In fact on a couple of days it was so warm that actually (just between you and me) it was quite nice to come into the day stables where it was lovely and cool and airy.

I've heard mention that we might be left out all day and night now that its getting warmer. I'm not sure about that as, personally, I like having a nice quiet rest in my stable - I mean will it be as quiet out in the field? After all there will be foxes, bats and the rest running about all over the place, not to mention the birds getting us up so early. I will have to consider this carefully. Personally why anyone needs to change our routine is beyond me.

Bye for now Louise