Saturday, 22 January 2011

Moving On..............

Here we are at the end of January already, and we heard Tom saying that we will soon be moving on to our Trainers. How exciting will that be. Will we like them, and more to the point will they like us? Well they should, as we have been beautifully educated. But we're not too concerned, as being girls we can generally wrap chaps round our little fingers - or can we?

In preparation for our move we have just had our flu jabs - absolutely nothing to it - we are now both soooooooo chilled (as you can see from Lou's photo) that we can do just about anything. I have mastered the art of having all my feet done from the same side - so there Gaffer - who said I didn't have balance!

At the moment we are playing the game of imagining what it will all be like when we move on - its hard to know as our experience is somewhat limited and we have probably led quite a quiet and spoilt life to date. Well not always quiet, as we have had helicopters and operas to contend with as well as the odd goose. Our new yards should be bigger and busier - even more to look at - so for the moment we'll keep dreaming and as soon as we know we're off, you'll know - so we'll just keep up the good work and wait for our marching (or should that be trotting) orders.

in anticipation

Thelma and Louise

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Out and About - at Last.....

First of all Happy Birthday to us - we are now officially two and as if to celebrate this the snow and ice has finally gone and it has warmed up a bit. Gosh it was chilly over the holidays - now it may all look very pretty but it meant that we couldn't do a lot as the yard was all frozen and snowy, as was the the track we use on the hill. So it was just the horsewalker and the small ring for us which after a while was a bit repetitive. So to say we were pleased when we could start hacking up the gallop again is an understatement. I think LouLou even had a little buck to celebrate (and just to keep the team on their toes as well!)

Our other excitement is that The Gaffer and The Mrs came to see us - I think they were suprised at how much we have grown and it was the first time that they had seen us being ridden, which of course makes us look sooooo grown up. We gave an exhibiton of trotting in the ring, changing direction and legs and looking very collected - although Lou always seems to want to go a step faster than she's supposed to - whereas I do exactly as I'm told. I heard The Gaffer say that we both moved well and were looking very balanced.

What's Thelma talking about - I was fantastically well behaved - and showed myself off to perfection, its just that I like to get on with things and want to overtake Thelma once in a while. Thank goodness it was a lovely sunny morning and so my coat was looking particularly gorgeous if I may say so. We had about 15 minutes in the ring and then we walked out of the yard over to the all weather gallop and did a couple of very sedate and collected gentle canters up the hill. Everything was looking so nice in the sunshine it was a joy to be out. As you can see, The Mrs took some nice photos and you can see how well we are coming on. Athletic - I think The Gaffer said about me - so take that Thelma!

Roll on warmer days - we can't wait for spring.

a bientot

Louise and Thelma (see I've overtaken her at last)