What a hectic week its been here at Summerdown - and boy, has the place been living up to its name, its been wall to wall sunshine here. The ground has been hard so its been just the all weather gallops for us all, buts that fine, as long as we get out and about I don't mind.
Now I had to move stables this week. I'm in a two horse unit up in the field because I'm afraid I knocked my old one about a bit! You see, I have this habit of kicking out when I'm eating (to be honest, I don't even know I'm doing it) and, as I have rather a strong kick, I've messed the stable up a bit - ooooh dear. So, I'm going to try and kick the habit (pun intended!) with the help of Martin my groom.
Enough of that though - on Sunday it was the open day for the entire stables - all our various owners came and we were all paraded in front of everyone. Now, those of you who have been paying attention, will know that I've done this before - so I wasn't worried at all. Beforehand, The Gaffer and The Mrs and some of my Owners came to see me in my box before going to settle in for the parade of horses.
Now then, guess who was the first horse out of the yard for the parade? - yes, you've got it, little old Meeee! I guess you could say I was well named - after all, Primacy leading the parade seems very right to me. I behaved well and showed myself off nicely in front of about 200 people. Then afterwards The Gang (as I shall now call them) came up to see me, and Martin took me out of my box into the field so that everyone could have a good look at me. From what I could hear, they liked what they saw - they can come again then!
From a leading horse.