Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A Change is as Good .......

Hellooooo - well its happy new year from me too! I've been away as well - to Withyslade for a nice little holiday. I've been eating, out in the field and just generally chilling for a month or so. Its been very relaxing and I have been quite pampered - I've even been given polo mints so whats not to like! I'm not sure The Mrs approved when she popped in to see me the other day as she and The Gaffer were very strict and didn't give us treats in case we got into bad habits - moi - bad habits - c'est impossible!

Well you know me - I'm now so well behaved that a little treat goes down rather well. You should have seen the stables where I was - brand spanking new with very smart brass fittings everywhere - very luxurious. Shame about the weather though - its really been very wet so the fields were a bit muddy - but never mind. I'm now back at Kimpton but still just chilling - I'm on the walker every day so that I'm just 'ticking over' as I heard The Trainer say but I'm definately still on my hols.

My though, there have been a few changes while I've been away - lots of the other horses have gone and there are a whole lot of new ones arrived. But I'm now in the senior barn, as Big T and I are now three year olds! How time flies. This could be our year - I hope its yours as well.

au revoir for now Fleur

Monday, 16 January 2012

A Fresh Start

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year from me,Big T - lets hope its a good one for me. I have to report that its already started off well - I was picked up from the Stud on the 3rd January and am now back in my stable at Summerdown and starting to get ready for action. I must say, nice as it was at the Stud (and Robbie and Paul looked after me soooooo well) its good to be back in the yard with all the activity.

Now I know I've grown - I'm now 16hh - both upwards and outwards (just a bit!) so I'm now on the walker every day and have started trotting and doing some light canters. Its nice to be working out every day and I'm already starting to strip fitter as we say in the trade. It will be a gradual process but I'm feeling great and I know the Trainer thinks I've strengthened up a lot which was, after all, what I was supposed to do.

I'm looking forward to seeing all my Owners again - The Gaffer and The Mrs came to see me quite a lot at the Stud but it will be good to see the whole team again and show them what I can do.

For now its onwards and upwards (on the gallops that is).

Bye for now - Primacy