Sunday, 7 March 2010

Hunting for Answers

Well some funny things happened this week - the best of which is that the sun shone for the whole week and we have't had a drop of rain! The sun on our backs has been lovely and spring is in the air. And as if that wasn't celebration enough it was my birthday this week. Although Louise and I were officially one on January 1st and became yearlings then, my real birthday was the 6th March so I'm properly one now! Louise has still got 7 weeks until she catches me up.

Another strange thing was that the local Hunt came by - well we only knew what it was later when we heard The Mrs and The Gaffer talking about it. Lou Lou and I were quietly minding our own business in the field, when we heard all this noise and clatter on the road above fields and then noticed the other horses starting to get very excited. Then suddenly all these dogs came pouring down the hill from the road and ran along the hedges yelping and barking and getting altogether very excited. Now we played it a bit cool as, to be honest, we didn't have a clue as to what was going on. But the horses nearer the road went bananas - whinnying and charging up and down their fields in a state of great excitement. It didn't last long and we soon lost interest and went back to our grazing, but the older horses where in a bit of a lather for the rest of the afternoon.

And then yesterday there was the helicopter - now we are getting more used to this, and although we had a little gallop when it came down the valley to land, it was more of an excuse to have a run around rather than the fact that it scared us - in fact we didn't even give it a second glance as we walked past it on our way in for the night - it is a rather smart blue though, I just happened to notice in passing!

I heard someone say that the weather is supposed to be good for the next week - hooray - and also mention of the fact that we might be moving fields! That could be interesting.

Til next week love Thelma

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