Saturday, 28 August 2010

Orfeo Off

What a week - I can't tell you, people everywhere and the noise! Listening to The Gaffer and The Mrs they have been putting on something called an opera at the farm - actually in the barn right next door to us.

It seems to involve lots of people, lots of banging, lots of singing, and lots of music. Now I'm as tolerant as the next filly but they do make a lot of NOISE - they practice very late in the evening just as we are trying to settle down and then, just as we are relaxing, there is a burst of applause! Don't they know we need our beauty sleep? Especially Louise - she can be very grumpy in the morning if she doesn't get her full eight hours.

Then to cap it all they had a dress rehearsal - and all these people were walking around in togas - now someone should tell them that this really is not a good look - as for the laurel wreaths - they're something I'd eat at the drop of a hat - they definately shouldn't be worn!

Then after all these dress rehearsals there were the actual performances - what a performance thats what I say! We had to be in our boxes before it all kicked off (I like it - thats something I usually do) and then we had to wait for the interval to have our tea - then they all poured out into the yard and sat down to eat and drink - and nothing quiet about it either. Still, lots of people did stop by and say how gorgeous we are - so every cloud.... Everyone seemed to enjoy it - but if I'm really honest I would have to say that it all sounded a little dull to me - no jolly tunes - but then what do I know about opera? Nothing I'm sure - but The Gaffer did say to someone that we would now be very highbrow fillies - highbrow - I think my brow is just about right personally - don't you?!

Anyway its all gone quiet again now - phew.........

Love Thelma

Up, Up and .........

Suprise, suprise, I'm the superstar this week - not only do I look lovely, as my photo shows, but I led the way this week!

For some reason, known only to themselves, The Gaffer and The Mrs decided that this week we were going to do 'trailer training'. So on Monday we walked past this open trailer in the yard with the back and the front down. We both had a good look at it. I thought it looked rather nice but Thelma wasn't so sure but we both had a good sniff around it on Monday evening. On Tuesday morning we had another close inspection, but I didn't really want to go in, but on Wednesday - that was quite different altogether! I had a look and, with The Vickster leading, up the ramp I went and out the other end - simples, as they say on the telly. Everyone seemed very pleased with me. Now Big T had a look but didn't fancy it herself. The next morning up I went again - showing off a bit I have to say, but I did tell Thelma it wasn't too bad and up she came and off the other side. Now I don't think she liked it quite so much, as she came down in a bit of a hurry - but at least she tried. The next morning we both did it again - lots of pats and 'well dones' from the team. I could tell that they thought that I had been very, very good.

Come Friday, I was actually a bit disappointed as we just walked straight on by - just when I was having fun too - spoil sports ........

Love Louise

Sunday, 22 August 2010

A Trainer Calls......

Well it never rains but it pours, but hopefully the grass will now start to grow again and there will be more in the field for us to eat!

Now on Friday, which I have to say was rather wet and miserable in this neck of the woods, we were suddenly brought in around three by The Mrs and The Gaffer to our stables. Now this was a funny time in itself so that was out of the ordinary. But not only that - on the way in from the field we had to pass no less than three new obstacles down by the cricket field, large (and I mean large), red bags full of stuff that were rustling in the wind. Did this bother us? Not a bit. I led the way and after a moment's hesitation Lou Lou followed - good or what. Then we got into our stables - to our horror no food, just hay - and there was all this growling and squeaking going on and we couldn't work out where it was coming from. I must admit it was all a bit scary to start with, and we were a bit upset for about 10 minutes, but then we calmed down and got used to it. We worked out eventually that the puppies were in the stable next door, as it was raining and they couldn't be outside, and there was no need for us to worry.

But that wasn't the end of it - after we had been dried off and tidied up The Gaffer and The Mrs came back with The Trainer - or at least my Trainer! He'd come to inspect me as he hadn't been able to come when we were on show before. Now I have to say this was all a bit tense making - I mean would he like me????? Well I needn't have worried. I heard him tell The Gaffer and The Mrs that I was in excellent condition and well forward (whatever that means) and that he liked the look of me and my 'good legs with lots of bone'. Well judging by everyone's faces this was all good and I will be going to Summerdown to be trained. Now I like the sound of that - Summerdown - it sounds rather romantic and beautiful - just like me!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I have to be honest here and tell you that he said some nice things about LouLou too - but this week its my story.

Well after all that excitement it will take us, and especially me, a few days to come back down to earth - my Trainer liked me! Meeeeeeeee.......

Love Thelma

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Free Feet

Well as you know we have our feet done regularly by Brian the farrier. So imagine my suprise when last week two (two not one!) young men came into my stable. They looked around and then one of them came and held me round my neck - no headcollar or rope of any sort - while the other started to do my feet. Now this was unprecedented - The Gaffer, The Mrs and The Vickster were nowhere to be seen and even Thelma was somewhat non-plussed. Anyway, they seemed to know what they were doing so I just stood there as good as gold and let them get on with it while Big T watched over the stable divide.

No sooner had they finished and left my stable to move onto Thelma when someone from the house came rushing over to ask them what they were doing. It turned out that they had been sent by the blacksmith who does the other horses with the instruction to 'do the horses feet' - so they had just started with me - who they weren't supposed to do at all!!!! So I got a lovely free manicure and poor old Thelma was left out and will have to wait until Brian comes again.

Now the dry weather has continued and the grass is just not growing so we were getting a bit concerned about preserving our supply so we decided that our friendly fleecy friend just had to go - enough with all this sharing its every filly for herself. So we gave chase and she got the hint and went through the electric fence back to the sheep side of the fence where she belongs. Phew - more for us.

It must rain soon - musn't it?

Love Louise