Well as you know we have our feet done regularly by Brian the farrier. So imagine my suprise when last week two (two not one!) young men came into my stable. They looked around and then one of them came and held me round my neck - no headcollar or rope of any sort - while the other started to do my feet. Now this was unprecedented - The Gaffer, The Mrs and The Vickster were nowhere to be seen and even Thelma was somewhat non-plussed. Anyway, they seemed to know what they were doing so I just stood there as good as gold and let them get on with it while Big T watched over the stable divide.
No sooner had they finished and left my stable to move onto Thelma when someone from the house came rushing over to ask them what they were doing. It turned out that they had been sent by the blacksmith who does the other horses with the instruction to 'do the horses feet' - so they had just started with me - who they weren't supposed to do at all!!!! So I got a lovely free manicure and poor old Thelma was left out and will have to wait until Brian comes again.
Now the dry weather has continued and the grass is just not growing so we were getting a bit concerned about preserving our supply so we decided that our friendly fleecy friend just had to go - enough with all this sharing its every filly for herself. So we gave chase and she got the hint and went through the electric fence back to the sheep side of the fence where she belongs. Phew - more for us.
It must rain soon - musn't it?
Love Louise
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