Saturday, 11 September 2010

Going Further Afield

Hello from both of us - this has been a momentous week! We have moved out of our cosy stable yard and joined the real world!

The week started quietly with our usual out in the field and in at night routine but, come Tuesday morning, it was all change. For starters we didn't go out to the field after breakfast which was unusual. We were given a good groom and tidy up and were looking fairly gorgeous when two lots of people came to see us and say hello. This was all fine and we were given lots of hay so actually we were quite happy, if a little dismayed not to be out with all the lovley new grass that has grown. Then everyone disappeared for a while, but about two o'clock Tom came by and introduced himself and then The Gaffer, The Mrs and The Vickster appeared. They explained that we were now off to join other horses and were going to be educated and taught how to be racehorses - how grown up and exciting is that!!!!

We were going together - so that all sounded fine and we will be meeting loads of other yearlings, so actually it sounds like we are going to have quite a lively time. Thats not to say that we won't miss everyone here - we know we will - but we are quite grown up now and ready to find out about whats out there in the world. Now one person we won't miss much is that pesky goose, but we have become friends with the Alpaca, the other horses in the yard, all the people who come in and out, the swallows, the puppies just to name a few and we have even become used to tractors, helicopters, cars of every shape and size and we even like cricket (though we're not quite so keen on opera!).

Anyway back to Tuesday, our ropes were put on and we went out through the tunnel to the yard where this lovely little 2 horse box was waiting for us - it looked almost exactly like the trailer that we had been jumping in and out of last week and so it was really no bother walking in and getting settled. I went in first - thats me Thelma - as Tom thought that as I was the biggest I should have the most room to manouvre - and then in came LouLou. We were as good as gold - as if we had been doing this for ages (which of course we had - well, since last week anyway) and we could tell that everyone was very pleased with us and we got lots of pats. We could hear Tom saying how well we had behaved and we think he was quite impressed with us. Then we had to say goodbye - now that was a bit difficult and we had lumps in our throats, but Tom seemed so nice that we were really quite happy to be driven off to our new home and we know everyone will come and see us - so as long as they feed us properly we really won't mind.

We had a lovely smooth ride - we must say it was much better that our earlier trips especialoly the one from Ireland - Tom was a much better driver for a start and because we had had our trailer training the whole thing was a breeze - in fact we were so relaxed that we even started having a little play with each other in the lorry and before we knew what was what we had arrived.....

Now we'll tell you all about our arrival next week when we've had time to gather our thoughts because there is so much to tell you about - but what we can say is that we are excited to be here.................

Love from a quite grown up Thelma and Louise xxxxxx

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