Sunday, 7 November 2010

Busy, busy,busy

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Here we are again - and I can tell you (thats me Thelma) that life here certainly never has a dull moment. As we were expecting, we did have a visit from the dentist -personally the least said about that the better - just suffice it to say that if he doesn't come again for a while, I personally, won't be too upset!

I am now ridden out most days - not too far and we are taking it easy, but I must say its nice to get out and about and see the countryside a bit. Now, as you will know it has started to get quite cold and I now have a lovely thick coat again but to go with it I have a very smart and lovely trace clip - so I think I look rather gorgeous. Because of this I have to get rugged up at night - mines a lovely purple one - as you can see in my photo. I'm not sure what colour LouLous is, as she is in the stall behind me and so I can't see her at night.

I have had one little adventure - this week Tom took me on an outing all by myself. I was loaded up in the horse box and off we went. After about an hour or so we arrived (at somewhere called Ascot I heard him say) and I was shown into a stable and who should be there to meet me but The Gaffer - I must say it was rather nice to see him. I had a good look round and there were lots and lots of other horses going in and out of stables. Now some of them were really badly behaved, whinnying, shouting and generally making all sorts of fuss. Me, I just had a good look around and took it all in. Tom then appeared and stuck two stickers on each side of my bum!
This I wasn't so keen on as it spoiled my nice hair cut. Then he led me out and into a ring where we walked round and round while lots of people looked at me and called out. Now as I have said before, I rather like being the centre of attention, so I just walked around calmly strutting my stuff and after a minute or two I was led out again and back onto the horse box to be whisked home again. What was it all about? Well I have since learned that I went through the auction ring - but I was sold back to The Gaffer - phewwwwwwwwwww.

What else are we doing? Well eating and growing mostly. I know that I have grown a bit and thought that I would be miles ahead of Lou by now - but shes growing too so I guess its a case of upwards and onwards.

Lou will write next but not for a fortnight, because as you can tell we are busy, busy, busy.....

Love Big T

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