Monday, 7 March 2011

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow......

I've gone! Where you ask? To my trainer of course - keep up!!! Its me, Thelma, and I've just arrived at Summerdown - isn't this just too exciting for words!!!!!!

I was just quietly minding my own business at Tom's, doing the usual things, when I'm all rugged and bandaged up and loaded onto the horsebox and off we went. Now I have to say I wasn't sure where I was going, but as soon as we got there and Tom opened up the box I just knew where I was. I mean, even I could tell that this is a seriously grown up establishment. There are smart stables everywhere and loads and loads of horses. I can't tell you how many as I can't see them all but, from the amount of people and activity, I can tell that its lots more than I've ever seen in my life before.

Now, it was a bit of wrench leaving Tom and of course LouLou but I do think that I'm ready for the wider world and all the excitements ahead. I think I have settled in well, the food is just as good as it was at Toms, which of course was one of my main concerns, and the people looking after me seem really nice - I'm sure I will get to know exactly who they are in the next few weeks. I get ridden out as part of the string - doesn't that sound grand - all of us are new to this but I felt quite up to things as Tom has taught us everything that we need to know. There is so much going on that my head is all of a spin. I will make notes and tell you more.

From a seriously grown up Thelma

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