Friday, 4 December 2009

First Impressions

Well - our first couple of weeks in our new home now seems a bit of blur - there was so much to learn. It took me a while to get to grips with the new layout and daily routine but I managed in the end and I am now feeling very settled.

Its quite a long walk to our field and we have it all to ourselves which is a bit spoiling - thats us in the in the picture. Although, there are some nosy sheep next door and, just once in a while, one of them strays into our bit and has to be put back in its place by the Vickster and the Mrs. Its quite fun watching them trying to get them back through the fence - not easy by the looks of it!

On our walk out we go through yards, lots of gates, fields with the sheep, other horses and an Alpaca - and then there's the GOOSE! Roll on Christmas thats what I say. There we are walking along as good as gold and suddenly this bird appears out of nowhere, stands up, flaps its wings and honks (a very silly noise if you ask me). Well what would you do? I was startled and had a little gallop - the Gaffer was a bit cross with me and called me a wuss which I rather take exception to- a WUSS , I mean, I ask you - what would you have done if a silly bird stood up and honked at you? Exactly!

But something good did come out of this little 'contretemps' as Louise would say (this Frenchness is catching)- we now have two routes to the field - and the second one, through barns and round the veggie patch avoids that noisy bird altogether, and means that if all the sheep are in the yard we can keep out of their way as well!! A double whammy (now where did I pick that up from?) Its all so busy, busy, busy.

Morning and evening stables are hectic as well - we are groomed - it took me a little while to take to this as I found it all a bit tickly to start with, but now I find it all rather soothing and relaxing - especially as I nibble on my hay net at the same time - lovely. The most irritating thing though is the foot lifting and cleaning out. Why I have to stand on three legs and go through this every morning is beyond me. The Mrs says its to keep my feet clean and to stop me making a mess through in the yard on my way out. My view is that if they're 'doing stables' then they should clear that up as well, so to start with I wasn't too co-operative. But actually, just between ourselves, I quite like that too now as it makes my feet feel far more comfortable, and I can admire the nice pedicure that we had the other day.
Now there is a story!!!!!! I think Louise will tell you about that.

'Til next time. Thelma

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