Saturday, 26 December 2009

Frosty Days

Well, what a cold week its been - and the snow and sheet ice have provided a bit of a challenge for us as I must admit I'm not too good on skates! Our lovely yard and the walk down to the fields was turned into a skating rink by the icy weather, and there were three days when we couldn't go out to the field as it was too dangerous. Now I thought The Gaffer, The Mrs and The Vickster were just exagerating a bit when they kept saying how dangerous it was, but then I saw them walking across the yard with tiny little steps, and every now and then slipping, and I realised they were right. In fact one day they just led me out to stand outside my stable while they mucked out and as I turned to get to my hay I could feel my front foot slipping - so I just stood still and waited - no fooling about with ice underfoot.

At least Louise and I have our thick winter coats at the moment - thank goodness is what I say, as one night this week it was so cold that the water in the trough INSIDE our stables even froze - brrrrrrrrrrrr. I've noticed that since its been cold the yard robin has been coming in and out of our stables more than usual, and I often see him sitting up on the rafter in the roof - actually he's rather sweet and sings for us nicely and makes the place feel rather Christmassy.

But on the whole Christmas has been quite quiet in the yard - fewer people around - all rather dull really as we've been confined to quarters - but thank goodness its finally a bit warmer and we went out today - yipee! From now on we should be out a bit longer each day as I heard The Gaffer say that we are now past the shortest day - roll on summer and the sunshine.

While we wait for that - happy new year everyone and happy birthday to Louise and I who turn one on January 1st - we are graduating from being weanlings to yearlings - which sounds so much more grown up!

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