Generally this has been a quiet week - although I must admit I have been getting fed up with the weather. Now coming from Ireland I know a thing or two about rain! I remember there was one day not long after I had been born that it rained so hard that all the mud from the field washed down the hill and into the stable yard. We were knee deep in mud for weeks. But the past few weeks here have een something else!! Now I'm made of strong stuff, but by last week I was getting seriously fed up. All that rain means that we come in soaking wet and have to be dried off, which just distracts me and delays me from getting to my hay. I must say though that our stables are very deluxe, and if it is really cold and wet The Gaffer puts on the overhead heater just to get us dry a bit quicker - what luxury! By the way - do you like the photo? - its me and The Gaffer on the way out from stables on the one nice morning we've had in weeks. The other one is of Lou heading out through the passage - I thought I should be nice and include one of her! You can see that it is really quite narrow and it did take a bit of getting used to, especially as it is right alongside the wood chip store from the boiler which can suddenly starts to creak and groan a bit as we walk through, which can be quite scarey if it is gloomy or dark.
I did have one small break from the usual routine this week - we were coming into the stables (and between you and me I don't think The Gaffer was concentrating) and he undid my lead rope before the Mysterious Broom Man, who was helping out, had closed the stable door. Well, I thought, I been dying to explore the yard and check it out properly ever since we arrived - so an open door was just too good a chance to miss and off I went. I must say it was rather nice to explore the corners rather that just walk in and out. Its really rather large - room for lots more horses. It has a lovely grass bit in the middle which was rather nice to walk on, and barns everywhere full of lovely hay from what I could see. Now I have to admit that The Gaffer was not best pleased with my little stroll and came to get me a bit quick for my liking. It would have been nice to go and have a chat with the horses on the other side of the yard as I haven't really got to know them yet as they are rather far away. But as it was, I was quickly put back in my stable and told I was naughty - I have to say I was a bit put out by that - if they think that was naughty ......................
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