Saturday, 20 February 2010

A Firm Footing

Hello - its me Big T this week - we've decided to take it in turns updating you for a bit.

Its been a quiet week but wet again and, I must say, with frost followed by thaw keeping our feet as we walk out to our field has been difficult in places. The ground has been squelchy to say the least and the mud around the gate has been over our fetlocks at times and affecting our equilibrium! It hasn't just been us - yesterday as we were coming out of the field The Mrs got her foot in so deep that she couldn't get it out for a minute and I had to stand there while she tried to pull it out - it suddenly came with a great squelch and she nearly went over - that would have been interesting. Now The Gaffer, The Mrs and The Vickster continue to be very particular about keeping our feet clean and dry once we come in of an evening and so we now have this little routine going. Into the stables, wash the feet and legs down and then pick out the mud etc. I heard them say that its so we don't get foot rot (doesn't sound very nice to me) so we just let them get on with it although it does slightly delay us getting to our nosh - however, talking of which, the new food is now going down well.

This week we had the measuring tape - I've grown quite a bit and am weighing in at around 320 kilos - Louise, who of course is younger, is around 260 kilos so you see I really can throw my weight around when it comes to keeping her in her place and sometimes I really have to! I think next week it will be measuring how tall we are - now I'm taller than LouLou as well - but I will be interested to know by how much. They say size isn't everything but when it comes to being the boss out in the field it certainly helps.

Hope you are having better weather than we are wherever you are! love from Big T xxx

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