Sunday, 14 February 2010

Mending Fences

Well at last we have had some better weather - it may have been cold but at least it has stopped raining - we think we are starting to sound like people as we seem to talk about the weather a lot, but it is rather important to us as we are out all day come what may! We're going to divide up telling you about our week between us - Thelma first.

Well this week The Gaffer, The Mrs and The Vickster have really been working on our feet - the mud in the field has made keeping them clean rather difficult and some days when we have been coming in we have really been getting our feet dirty. So every day this week we've had our feet and legs washed and had a really good clean out of our hooves in the evening as well as the morning. Its become quite the routine - and we're both quite good at it now. Louise has her moments, and has been a bit stubborn at times but has improved at lot. I've been generally good but I have one front foot that I'm not very keen on having done, so I've developed this technique of leaning on whoever is trying to do that particular foot and, because I'm so big, its quite hard for them to move me or the foot! Come on Louise, you do your bit now.

Ok, so they have started to give us some new mix for our meals this week as well - we really weren't too keen on it at first and even Thelma left a little the first night but we are getting used to it now and it really isn't as bad as we first thought. The other funny thing this week was Thelma's bum - she has quite a large one and this afternoon (sunday) it was a bit itchy and so she decided to rub it on one of the fence posts. Now it seems that she chose the wrong one because as she was having a good rub she gave a particularly big heave ho with her backside and the post broke at the base along with two of the rails - it was quite funny really - one minute the fence was there and then it was gone! Big T looked around all suprised and was a bit embarrased by the whole thing - in fact when everyone came to lead us in and saw the fence she just wandered away as though it had nothing at all to do with her - I think they all knew though! We think that The Gaffer will have to do some repairs tomorrow - that should be fun to watch.

love from the two of us - Thelma and Louise

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